
GJS Research Workshop 2025年1月例会
The New Cambridge History of Japan: Vol.2, Early Modern Japan in Asia and the World, c. 1580-1877

日  時:2025年1月13日(月・祝)14:00~17:30
会  場:大阪大学豊中キャンパス 全学教育推進機構 実験棟1F サイエンス・コモンズ DAICEL Studio(ハイブリッド開催)


David L. HOWELL(ハーバード大学教授)

John Patrick PORTER(東京外国語大学准教授)

Sean O’Reilly(国際教養大学)
津田 太郎(明治大学)
池田 真歩(東京都立大学)
鈴木  啓峻(大阪大学)
John D’Amico(東北大学)

With his editorship of volume two of the New Cambridge History of Japan, Professor David L. Howell wrests the concept of “early modernity” away from the squeeze of historians of Europe. “[W]e East Asianists can tell our colleagues in Renaissance-Reformation history to keep their paws off our historical era, ” he writes. “Early modernity is ours!” He turns—he overturns—the historiographical tables: It is not just that our Japanese kinsei is akin to their European early modernity. It is that we came up with the notion first. It is our model built from our own history. Everyone else is welcome to borrow it, maybe.

Does Professor Howell’s and his colleagues’ refashioning of global history through Japanese early modernity work? If it does, should we admire the new outfit? If it doesn’t, should we exhale in relief? Professor Howell joins an intellectually and methodologically diverse group of young scholars for robust discussion on these and more themes. We are delighted to welcome him to Handai.
