
GJS Research Workshop 2023年12月例会
Homesick Blues: Politics, Protest, and Musical Storytelling in Modern Japan

日  時:2023年12月19日(火)17:00~18:30
会  場:大阪大学豊中キャンパス 全学教育推進機構 実験棟1F サイエンス・コモンズ DAICEL Studio(ハイブリッド開催)


Scott W. AALGAARD(ウェズリアン大学助教授)

輪島 裕介(大阪大学大学院人文学研究科教授)
Anita DREXLER(大阪大学大学院博士後期課程芸術学専攻)
Nicholas LAMBRECHT(大阪大学大学院人文学研究科助教)

In Homesick Blues, author Scott W. Aalgaard explores how artists, fans, amateur practitioners, and others have used music to tell stories of everyday life in Japan from the late 1940s to 2018, a practice that the book calls ‘musical storytelling.’ At its core, musical storytelling is a political practice, presenting potent—if ambiguous—world-producing potentials as social actors generate and share stories of themselves and others in ways that intersect with and inform social and political life. Homesick Blues assembles a diverse ensemble of voices, some of whom are now appearing in English-language scholarship for the very first time, including industry stakeholders, rock stars, fans, newscasters, Kyoto-based folk singers, jazz singers, karaoke enthusiasts and even US military personnel. An equally diverse selection of scholarship and methodology, from ethnomusicology to literary studies, from philosophy to history, creates a richly interdisciplinary and accessible analysis of musical modes of politics.
