December 2022 Workshop
山と歩くことの日本学 ――ポスト京都学派の生態学
Time: Monday, December 19, 2022, from 4:50PM to 6:30PM (JST)
Place: Learning Commons Room , 2nd floor of North Bld. (School of Human Science), Osaka University Suita Campus (and online via Zoom)
Languages: Japanese
The registration period for this event has ended.
Registration: Please register from the URL( )or QR code on the flyer by December 19, 10:00 AM
HIGAKI Tatsuya(Professor, Osaka University)
YAMAZAKI Goro(Professor, Osaka University)
FURUKAWA Fukachi(Lecturer, Kyushu University)
「登山と/の人類学 ――ヒマラヤと日本の「自然」を歩く」
YONEDA Tsubasa(Assistant Professor, Osaka University)
MORINO Yusuke(Lecturer, Kanazawa Gakuin University)
ODA Kazuaki(Specially Appointed Researcher, Osaka University)
This workshop will be held as part of the GJS-ERI Incubator-Supported Project “Research on the Kyoto School and Post-Kyoto School Philosophies of Science and Technology“.